Wednesday, March 14, 2012

This Guy

There is this guy I met recently. Wanting to take things so slow, do things right and see where it goes this time. I usually fall pretty hard and never really let it show. Everyone including my close friends always feel the other guy is completely smitten when it's actually me. I just am a fool for love or the prospect of love i guess...This got me thinking about my dating life. The past year I was on a roll. Date after date after date just looking to settle down and do it up with someone immediately. Never really wanting to go through those beginning stages of dating. Always wanting to jump right in the middle of a relationship instead. This year I vowed to myself to do things differently. Get my life situated and find some solid direction in my life. If a guy comes along and a date ensues then so be it. Wanting to take things slow and just be in the moment. Truly enjoy those moments in the beginning. Well Who knows what may come of this. Come what may...All I know is right now I'm smiling...

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